1st June 2016
Recent changes to the Lighthouse Online Management Platform
All Lighthouse customers with Health & Safety retainer support services are granted access to an online portal which assists with the management of their Health & Safety documentation and procedures.
This portal has been developed in-house by Lighthouse and has recently undergone the following alterations in order to improve its performance:
Training Module Changes
- The training matrix can now be exported into a Microsoft Excel document along with the PDF version that has historically always been available
- You are now able to edit employee details allowing for changes of name or job title
- Editing of training course names is also now available should it be required
- Two separate dates can be recorded for an individual’s training record as follows:
- Completion date – indicating the date that the delegate completed the training course
- Renewal date – allows you to include a renewal date when either a re-sit or refresher training course is required. Where such a date has been input, the portal will send an automatic email to you notifying the renewal requirement
Risk Assessment Module Changes
- The Risk Assessment module is available for customers to complete simple risk assessments for machinery items or business processes.It is important in any risk assessment to address the severity of the hazards being assessed both prior to, and after the implementation of control measures.You can therefore now select a ‘risk rating’ (high, medium or low) for your assessment prior to the selection of the controls you have in place, along with an additional ‘risk rating’ selection to display the residual risk once control measures have been considered.There have always been a range of pre-loaded standard hazards for you to select from within this module, however we have now included a free type area too – allowing you to list any additional hazards specific to your assessment.
For further information, please contact your consultant or download our portal user guide