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17th February 2021

Get To Know Our Administrator

Rhianna image

If you’ve ever wanted to know about the Lighthouse team now’s your chance. Each week we will be shining a spotlight on someone from the team and hitting them with some quick-fire questions. Next up is Rhianna Wood our Administrator (aka jack of all trades, master of none).

How long have you been working for Lighthouse?

It’ll be 2 years in March.

What is your favourite thing about Lighthouse?

My commute! I live 2 miles from the office! No honestly, I work with a group of friendly helpful people who make the working day a fun one. 

What is your favourite film?

I can never settle on a favourite. It changes constantly but for a while, I loved Seven and Dirty Dancing. 

What is your favourite TV show?

I binge watch TV, I’m always on the lookout for a recommendation as I have a tendency to not stop a series once I start so again no firm favourite.

What is your favourite food?

I Love Tapas, I’m lucky to have both an excellent Spanish one and a Cuban one locally. 

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

So many things! Top of the list would be a huge family holiday and then an extended trip to NYC with the girls. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

Not sure how I can top Dave’s knocking the Australian PM Over!
I’m not a lover of heights, In a previous job I went on an educational trip to Ireland, it included a day of horse riding. While I like horses I’ve never ridden one (it’s the heights thing) but when our group turned up there weren’t enough horses for everyone. A couple of people didn’t want to go but I thought I’d give it a try, got on and promptly got off….swapped with someone else and went to enjoy a warm drink inside.
Not long after we watched the group set off for their trek but couldn’t see the horse or rider I’d swapped with – until it galloped past 5 mins later with the poor bloke hanging off its neck and the horse cutting through the hedge to catch up to the group- I’ve never been so thankful to have a fear of heights! (The guy was ok)

How would you rate your brew making skills out of ten?

I’m not a Tea drinker so while I don’t think it’s that bad it’s probably not the best either so a solid 7, I think it’s something to do with me adding the milk to the mug before the hot water that makes it a great brew?? (– I’m kidding!)

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