Every trading business with employees has an obligation to comply with UK employment law legislation.
Failure to do so carries the risk of legal action brought against you either in the Employment Tribunal or in a civil court.
You can greatly reduce your exposure to these risks by communicating relevant documentation and policies with your staff at various stages of their employment with you.
This could be ensuring that a contract of employment is drawn up, agreed to, and signed; or by having an employee handbook in place to advise the conduct that is expected of team members whilst at work.
At Lighthouse, we provide employment law consultancy to guide you through every step of the process from the job interview and offer stage, right through to the termination of a contract.
By adopting the advice we provide on employment law matters you will naturally have given yourself robust protection against the risk you face as an employer.
Our advice is delivered solely by qualified employment law solicitors. You are appointed to a team of two advisors who will help you to develop the procedures you need, and then be available to you as a source of ongoing employment law advice and support.
In addition to employment law consultancy, we have access to a Legal Expenses Indemnity insurance product which provides protection to your business in the event of an Employment Tribunal claim being brought against you.
You will continue to deal with the same solicitors from our employment law team, with the policy covering both your costs and any rewards that may be handed out to the claimant.
For more information on both Employment Law consultancy support contracts, and Legal Expenses Indemnity insurance, scroll down and click on the icons below.