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H&S Support for Construction Projects

The construction industry regularly tops the list for the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) annual Fatal Injury Statistics.

As a result, the focus on Health & Safety standards for the industry has never been higher. The HSE regularly conduct campaigns undertaking proactive on-site inspections to review certain aspects of compliance with the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015).

At Lighthouse, we employ competent, qualified consultants with experience of all aspects of the construction sector.

Whether your business is involved in the design or development phase, we will guide you through your obligations under CDM 2015 to ensure you are compliant with them.

CDM 2015 specifies the number of roles that need to be fulfilled when any construction project is embarked upon. These include:

  • The Client
  • The Principal Designer
  • The Principal Contractor

The Client

In order to fulfil their obligations under CDM 2015, the client has a responsibility to appoint in writing their chosen Principal Designer and Principal Contractor.

The Principal Designer

The Principal Designer is responsible for the development of Health & Safety information in the pre-construction phase. This will involve assessing the site for development and compiling ‘pre-construction information’ pertinent to the hazards that present themselves. This could include things like:

  • Asbestos considerations
  • Cabling & Utilities – both overground and underground
  • Access/egress
  • Environmental management
  • Location of the site in relation to hazards such as watercourse or main roads
  • Usage of adjacent land

In addition, it will often be the responsibility of the Principal Designer to notify the HSE of the construction project if it falls within notification guidelines. This is done by submitting an F10 document.

If you are a Principal Designer and would like to know more about how Lighthouse can assist you with your obligations, click on the Principal Designer icon below, or give us a call on 0845 4591724.

The Principal Contractor 

Under CDM 2015, the Principal Contractor has an obligation to manage Health & Safety during the construction phase of any project.

This will involve the following elements:

  • Compiling a Construction Phase Plan document, detailing how site hazards will be identified, controlled and communicated to site operatives and visitors
  • Being responsible for site security and welfare
  • Hosting site inductions
  • Developing Risk Assessment Method Statements for their activities as the Principal Contractor
  • Ensuring that any sub-contract trades appointed to assist on the project are competent and are managed appropriately whilst on site
  • Reporting under RIDDOR
  • Regular monitoring of safe working procedures across all trades on site
  • Development of the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals for the development upon completion

Get in touch

Friendly, professional & personal health & safety consultants

0300 303 5228

If you are a Principal Contractor and would like to know more about how Lighthouse can assist you with your obligations, click on the Principal Designer icon below, or give us a call on 0845 4591724.

Friendly, professional & personal health & safety consultants

0300 303 5228

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Read about our range of H&S Support for Construction Projects services

CDM 2015 for Principal Contractor

Gain advice and support for your role as the Principal Contractor under CDM 2015.

CDM 2015 for Principal Designer

Be advised on the requirements of your role as Principal Designer under CDM 2015.

Health & Safety for Sub-Contract Trades

Ensure your Health & Safety procedures are in order, including assistance with SSIP accreditations.

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