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The latest news from Lighthouse

18th April 2017

HSE backs down on FFI dispute

In our recent blog we announced that the HSE’s Fee for Intervention (FFI) scheme faced a Judicial Review at the High Court. Since then there have been further developments… What is FFI? OK, quick recap – Fee for Intervention (FFI) is the process under which the HSE charges for its Inspector’s time when it uncovers […]

14th February 2017

HSE’s Fee for Intervention scheme to be challenged

The HSE’s much loathed Fee for Intervention (FFI) scheme is facing a judicial review, in early 2017. We will keep you posted on the result. However, don’t expect the scheme to disappear overnight. Even if the review goes against the HSE, it’s expected that it will lodge an appeal. What’s happening? Towards the end of last […]